I have been in the business of Canon copier leasing long before I ever started Dean Office Solutions. In fact, I have been leasing new and reconditioned copiers for over 20 years, and have been working in the industry even long. It was 30 years ago that I started working for Canon.
I’m not telling you this just to boast about my resume and experience with Canon copier leasing, I’m trying to illustrate how familiar I am with Canon equipment. With this experience I can confidently say Canon is one of the premier manufacturers of copier equipment in the world. They might be the premier manufacturer, because throughout my years in the business I have sold and leased more Canon products than products from any other manufacturer.
Canon offer world class products, and the best way to acquire one is through Canon copier leasing. The leasing option offers reasonable monthly payments, and you can can use the copier it as much as you want. When you lease from Dean Office Solutions you will not be penalized at the end of the lease for using it too much. Go ahead and use it as much as you need it.
Canon copier leasing is the most common way for our customers to acquire a Canon copier. Most prefer to lease rather than buy. Why? Well there are tax advantages to leasing, and the monthly payments are a more attractive option than paying a lump sum up front.
Canon copier leasing is extremely flexible as well, here are some options to consider.
Canon Copier Leasing Options
Our leases run anywhere from 1 to 5 years. To give you a perspective, 95% of the leases I do are 3 or 5 years, similar to car leasing. That’s the term that seems to make the most sense for customers. If you believe you will be using the machine a lot, a 3 year Canon copier leasing term is ideal. You’ll only pay for what you use, and you can return the machine at the end of term.
Once your lease is up you will have a couple options. You can either continue leasing or return the unit. At the end of your lease make sure to send in a letter beforehand so you can return it when done with the lease, if that’s the route you decide to go. Otherwise your lease can go into renewal, which can be up to a year. If you’re on a 5 year lease, going into renewal is the worse case scenario for Canon copier leasing because now you’re stuck with an old machine.
Don’t worry though, we will track the lease for you. We’ll contact you 6 months before the end of your lease so you can decide what you want to do. Canon copier leasing is generally a great option, but it can quickly turn from a good experience into a nightmare if you don’t do what you need to do the end of the lease.