Copier Lease Rates: Fair Market Value vs. $1 Buy Out


I am often asked whether a customer should enter into a Fair Market Value Lease or one with a $1.00 Buy-Out. Generally, I suggest the Fair Market Lease for several reasons.

Copier Lease Rate Conundrum?

First of all the dollars come out to pretty much the same either for the $1.00 lease or if you get a Fair Market Lease.  The key is to exercise the buy-out option. Also you can negotiate at the end of the Fair Market Lease and make them an offer (the leasing company doesn’t want the machine back).

Lastly, if things change in your business or if you want to take advantage of new technology you can return the old unit and get a new one. Traditionally, in our business the vendor who gets you a new unit will return the old one at no cost.  Dean Office Solutions helps our customers understand the ins and outs of copier lease rates.

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